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日期: 2022-09-16      信息来源:      点击数:




    ——以对基层开放大学的访谈为视角……………………………………………………………………………… 孙平(1)

终身教育发展核心指标研究……………………………………………………………………………………… 苏胜强 王燕(10)



     ——以汕头地区为例……………………………………………………………………………………… 丁利敏 郭锐林(15)




     ——以广东开放大学乡村振兴教育“云浮模式”为例……………………………………………… 崔陈一 杨翠友(27)


19 世纪中叶英国舆论中两广总督叶名琛“恶魔”形象考辨………………………………………………………季念 (33)


     ——以广州城市品牌标志设计为例… ………………………………………………………… 周东 陈亚芝 李小雨(41)




      ——以矿产资源开发为例的产权“二元结构”分析………………………………………………… 康纪田 聂淑亮(48)

人工智能技术在法律实务中的使用现状和发展趋势调查研究……………………………………………………黄随 梁文莉( 60)

广东开放大学体系简介·河源开放大学…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 封二

《粤剧传统排场研究》评介… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………封三

                                                  Journal of Guangdong Open University


Vol.31 Sum No.154

No.4,2022                                                                                                    August ,2022


A Reflection of Open University System Construction: A Perspectives of Interviews with

Faculties in Local Open Universities……………………………………………………………………………………………………SUN Ping(1)

Research on Core Indicators of Lifelong Education Development………………………………..SU Sheng-qiang WANG Yan(10)

Construction of a New Farmers' Cultivation System Based on Rural Revitalization Strategy

     —— A Case Study of Shantou ……………………………………………………………………DING Li-min GUO Rui-lin(15)

Serving Rural Revitalization: "Yunfu Mode" of Multiple Coordination Among Government-College-Industry-Enterprise

     —— Taking Yunfu Longwan Southern Medicine Project as an Example……………………………………….ZENG Ding-xi(23)

Research on System Value and Development Strategy of Rural Talent Training Mode in Open Education

      —— Taking "Yunfu model" of Rural Revitalization Education of Guangdong Oepn University

     as an Example………………………………………………………………………………………CUI Chen-yi YANG Cui-you(27)

Textual Research on the Image of "The Monster Yeh" in British Public Opinion in the Mid-Nineteenth Century…………Ji Nian(33)

Research on City Brand Logo Design Strategy

      —— Taking Guangzhou City Brand Logo Design as an Example………………………… ZHOU Dong CHEN Ya-zhi etc.(41)

Distinguishing the Owner Rights and Management Right of Natura lResource Assets

  —— Taking "Dual Structure" of Property Rights of the Mineral Roeusrce Development as an Example…..KANG Ji-tian NIE Shu-liang(48)

An Investigation of AI Application on Legal Practice……………………………………………HUANG Sui LIANG Wen-li(60)

The Generality and Individuality of the Narrative Structure of Fu Style…………………………………………LIU Wei-sheng(67)

On Can Xue and Weldon’s Fiction and Reality…………………………………………………………………ZHANG Li-xiu(74)

An Eco-ethical Study on the Animal World in E.B.White’s Farm Essays………………………………………NIAN Hui-min(80)

The Protection and Utilization of Industrial Cultural Heritage and Expansion of the Urban

Public Aesthetic Space…………………………………………………………………………………………SONG Yin-xi(86)

A Study and Design of Problem-based Learning and Project-based Learning "International Trade Practice" for

       Business English Major ……………………………………………………………………………………………CAI Chi(92)

A Systematical Review of Financial Poverty Alleviation in China

     —— A Visualized Analysis Based on the CiteSpace Knowledge Map………………………………ZHAO Lei MA Li-bin etc.(98)

Analysis of the Problems and Countermeasures of E-Commerce Development in Rural Areas under the

Background of Rural Revitalization

      —— Taking Longmen County as an Example ………………………………………………LIU Xue-mei PAN Jing-xue(106)

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