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日期: 2022-11-29      信息来源:      点击数:



社区教育品牌建设的若干问题思考 …………………………………………… 钱旭初 丁晓华(1)

江西省“书院文化 + 社区教育”品牌项目培育的

实然境况与应然路径 ……………………………………………王小素 范立昱 熊茜(8)

社区教育中开展编程思维培训项目的路径研究 ………………………………………… 苏绚(14)

“双减”视阈下促进社区少儿教育发展的现实需求与路径探析 ………………… 蒋泽刚(20)


新时代港澳青少年家国情怀的培育研究 ………………………………………………… 陈东英 (24)

横琴粤澳深度合作区借鉴澳门民众诉讼制度的可行性分析 ……………………… 朱酉彤 (29)


论我国投资争端预防机制的不足及完善 ……………………………………… 王海英 李相儒 (37)

网络游戏规则的著作权保护路径及方法研究 ……………………………… 陈玉梅 万秋伶 (44)

浅析继父母子女之间的法定继承权 ……………………………………………………… 熊小琼 (50)



——论阿多诺对《伊菲革涅亚在陶里斯》的解读 ………………………… 莫小红 雷蕾(54)

近百年传记研究综述(1919-2022) ………………………………………………………… 李丹(61)

津阪孝绰对清代杜诗学的受容 ……………………………………………………… 程刚 杨玉琳(69)

盐城儿童文学作家群现象探究 ………………………………………………… 孔令玉(76)


现代学徒制下高职学生职业能力评价体系构建 ……………………… 全雄伟 林玉蓉(83)


——以广东开放大学(广东理工职业学院)为例 ……………………………刘邦桂(89)

混合式教学教师元话语实证研究……………………………………………… 谢淑英(95)


数字法治政府建设的路径选择………………………………………… 资金星 卢俊成(100)

跨境电商运营数据指标评价模型分析………………………………………… 徐娟娟(106)

* * *

广东开放大学体系简介·潮州开放大学……………………………………………… 封二

《网络互联技术》评介 ………………………………………………………………… 封三


Reflections on the Brand Construction of Community Education………………………………QIAN Xu-chu DING Xiao-hua(1)

The Brand Project of "College Culture + Community Education" in Jiangxi Province: the Status

Quo and the Suggested Path …………………………………………………………………WANG Xiao-su FAN Li-yu etc.(8)

On the Path of Conducting Programming Projects of Thinking Training in Community Education……………………SU Xuan(14)

The Practical Needs and Paths of Promoting the Community Children's Education

from the Perspective of “Double Reduction” Policy………………………………………………………JIANG Ze-gang(20)

On the Cultivation of Hong Kong and Macao Teenagers' Family and Country Affectionin the New Era……CHEN Dong-ying(24)

The Feasibility Analysis of Drawing Lessons from Macao's Popular Action System in the Demonstration

Zone of In-depth Cooperation among Guangdong— Macao in Hengqin………………………………… ZHU You-tong(29)

On the Deficiency and Perfection of China's Investment Dispute Prevention Mechanism……WANG Hai-ying LI Xiang-ru(37)

A Study on the Copyright Protection of Online Game Rules…………………………………CHEN Yu-mei WAN Qiu-ling(44)

Analysis of the Legal Inheritance Right between Step Parents and Children………………………………XIONG Xiao-qiong(50)

The Illusion of Classicism Reconciliation

—— On Adorno's Reading of Iphigenia in Tauris ….……………………………………………………MO Xiao-hong LEI-Lei(54)

A Review of Biographical Research over the Past 100 Years (1919-2022)………………………………………………LI Dan(61)

Tsusaka Takataka's Acceptance and Transformation of Du Fu Poetics in Qing Dynasty………CHENG Gang YANG Yu-lin(69)

On the Phenomenon of Yancheng Children's Literature Writers Group………………………………………KONG Ling-yu(76)

On the Construction of Vocational Ability Evaluation System for Higher Vocational Students

under the Modern Apprenticeship System…………………………………………………QUAN Xiong-wei LIN Yu-rong(83)

An Exploration of Transformation Scheme of Learning Outcome and Credit in Modern Apprenticeship System

—— Taking Guangdong Open University(Guangdong Polytechnic Institute) as an example……………………LIU Bang-gui(89)

An Empirical Study of Teachers’ Meta Discourse in Blended Teaching…………………………………………XIE Shu-ying(95)

The Path Option of Building Law-Based Digital Government…………………………………ZI Jin-xing LU Jun-cheng(100)

Analysis of Cross-border E-commerce Operation Data Index Evaluation Model………………………………XU Juan-juan(106)

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