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日期: 2023-03-03      信息来源:      点击数:



——以广东开放大学体系高职扩招为例 …………………………………… 王磊(1)


——以“社会实践(行政管理)”课程为例 …………………………… 陈蕴 王晓楠(8)

人工智能视域下开放大学个性化教育的实践路径 ……………………………苏子 苏晨 (15)

开放教育人工智能专业人才培养模式构建探索 ……………… 刘小飞 李美满 傅兰华 (22)


——基于学习者视角的扎根理论研究 …………………………………………陈孝钟(28)


生态文明视角下粤桂画廊生态旅游建设研究 ……………………………………… 高田 (35)

粤港澳大湾区高校在线开放课程联盟运行研究 ………………………………… 赵凤梅 (42)


比较法视角下我国股东失权制度的修正 …………………………………唐波 王炜炫(48)


——以广东省为例 ………………………………………………… 张继钢 苗秋月(56)



论西蒙诺夫《日日夜夜》的艺术特征及其影响 ……………………………………曾思艺 (65)


——兼议英语诗歌翻译教学中“诗学意识”的培养…………………朱立华 宋慧萍(71)

《流浪的星星》中艾丝苔尔自我认知障碍成因探析 ……………………… 曾飞扬 李雁(78)

论范仲淹、范纯仁边塞诗的不同情感内涵 ……………………………………… 刘越峰(82)


文化自信视域下大学生心理健康教育的实践路径 ……………… 廖文娜 罗向晗 孙奕(87)

新时代基础教育信息化人文价值的本质要求与实现策略 ……………… 龙娜 陈雄辉(93)


乡村振兴战略下农产品电商直播现状及优化策略研究 ………………………… 杭菊(99)

基于多源流框架的港珠澳大桥建设决策过程研究……………… 官华 唐晓舟 何力武(105)

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广东开放大学体系简介·揭阳开放大学……………………………………………… 封二

《广东开放大学学报》2023 年征订启事 ……………………………………………… 封三


Research and Exploration on the Construction of the Curriculum System of " on-the-Job Talent " in Higher Vocational Education

—— Taking Guangdong Open University System's Higher Vocational Enrollment Expansion as an Example…………………WANG Lei(1)

Construction of Granular Resources in Open Education for " Digital Aborigines"

—— Taking the Course of "Social Practice (Administration Regulation)" as an Example…………CHEN Yun WANG Xiao-nan(8)

A New Approach to Personalized Education from the Perspective of Artificial Intelligence

—— From the Perspective of Open Distance Learning………………………………………………………SU Zi SU Chen(15)

Exploration of Professional Talent Training Model of Artificial Intelligence Programme in Open

Education………………………………………………………………………LIU Xiao-fei LI Mei-man FU Lan-hua(22)

Influencing Factors and Quality Assurance Measures of Home-based Online Learning of College Students during COVID-19

—— A Grounded Theory Research from the Learner's Perspective…………………………………………CHEN Xiao-zhong(28)

Research on Ecotourism Construction of the Guangdong-Guangxi Gallery from the Perspective of

Ecological Civilization……………………………………………………………………………………………GAO Tian(35)

Research on the Operation of Online Open Course Alliance of Universities

in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area…………………………………………………ZHAO Feng-mei(42)

Amendment of the Deprivation of Shareholders in China from the Perspective of

Comparative Law………………………………………………………………………………TANG Bo WANG Wei-xuan(48)

Application of Restorative Justice in the Field of Environmental Resource Crime

—— Taking Guangdong Province as an Example…………………………………………ZHANG Ji-gang MIAO Qiu-yue(56)

On Artistic Features of Simonov’s Day and Night …………………………………………………………………ZENG Si-yi(65)

Research on Religious Narrative Variation in Pre-Raphaelite Poetry…………………………ZHU Li-hua SONG Hui-ping(71)

On the Causes of Self-perception Barriers with Esther in Wandering Star …………………………ZENG Fei-yang LI Yan(78)

On the Different Emotional Connotations of Fan Zhong-yan and Fan Chun-ren's Frontier Poetry………………LIU Yue-feng(82)

The Practical Path of College Students' Mental Health Education from the Perspective of Cultural

Confidence…………………………………………………………………LIAO Wen-na LUO Xiang-han SUN Yi(87)

The Essential Requirements and Strategies for Realizing the Humanistic Value of Basic Educational

Informatization in the New Era……………………………………………………………LONG Na CHEN Xiong-hui(93)

The Current Situation and Optimization Strategy of Agricultural-products E-commerce Live Streaming under the Rural

Revitalization Strategy……………………………………………………………………………………………HANG Ju(99)

A Study on Decision-Making Process of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Based on the Multiple-Streams

Framework……………………………………………………………………GUAN Hua TANG Xiao-zhou HE Li-wu(105)

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