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日期: 2023-05-19      信息来源:      点击数:



——基于 2011-2020 年国内教育技术学期刊的内容分析和

知识图谱研究 …………………………………………………………尕藏草 冯紫欣(1)

以人为本: 促进可持续发展的教育

——2016-2022 年《全球教育监测报告》专题述评 ………………………郑炜君 虞沧(9)


——基于英国开放大学《创新教学报告》的解读与启示 …… 李凤霞 黄黎 魏子涵(16)


——以快手平台为例 ……………………………………………………… 金荣标(24)



——以“社区管理与服务”专业群为例 …………………………………… 谈华丽(31)


——以广州市为例 ………………………………………………… 谢雨彤 彭伟强(37)


海洋牧场生态环境风险的法律规制…………………………………… 古小东 张文丽(43)

公益撤三: 我国闲置商标清理的新思考 ……………………………………… 何卓律(49)

互联网文化新业态的产业发展与版权保护问题探析 ………………………… 王为雄(54)


翻译精神: 形成、内涵与价值 ………………………………………… 郝俊杰 胡辉莲(60)

论古文经学对两汉文风的影响…………………………………………………… 贾瑶(66)

李泽厚“情本体”美学思想的儒学显现 ……………………………………… 孔祥睿(77)



——基于广东省 15 家高职院校的调查 ……………………… 王傅 朱佳宜 郑俊茂(84)

自我肯定对农民工子女学业成绩的影响研究………………………… 杨继龙 陈刚(91)


耦合协调视角下广东三次产业协同发展研究 ………………………………… 陈秀枝(98)

农产品电商直播赋能乡村振兴实践的路径研究……………………… 张金香 管乐然(105)

* * *

广东开放大学(广东理工职业学院)学人简介 ……………………………………… 封二

2022 年我校学报 76 篇论文被人大“复印报刊资料”转引 ………………………… 封三


The Developments and Prospect of the Interactive Research in the Past Decade

——Based on the Domestic Educational Technology Journals 2011-2020......................................GA Zang-cao FENG Zi-xin(1)

Putting People First: Education for Sustainable Development

——A Thematic Review of the Global Education Monitoring Report 2016-2022..........................ZHENG Wei-jun YU Cang(9)

On the Evolution and Connotation of International Teaching Reform and Innovation

——Based on the Interpretation and Inspiration of the Innovative Teaching Report of the Open University

of the UK…………………………………………........................................................LI Feng-xia HUANG Li WEI Zi-han(16)

Research on Mode of Short Video Self-media Education Under in Life-long Education

—— A Perspective of Kuaishou.............................................................................................................................JIN Rong-biao(24)

On the Construction Path of Professional Group Support System of Guangdong Higher Vocational Colleges under the Guidance of Industry Demand

——Taking the Major of Community Management and Services as an Example....................................................TAN Hua-li(31)

The Current Situation and Strategies of the Translation of Language Landscape in the Business Environment in the Greater Bay Area

——Taking Guangzhou as an Example………………………………………………....…XIE Yu-tong PENG Wei-qiang(37)

Legal Regulation on Ecological Environment Risk of Marine Ranching.......................................GU Xiao-dong ZHANG Wen-li(43)

Cancellation Based on Public Interest: New Thinking on the Cleanup of Idle Trademarks in China.............................HE Zhuo-lv(49)

On Industrial Development and Copyright Protection of the New Format of Internet Culture............................WANG Wei-xiong(54)

Translation Spirit: Its Formation, Connotations and Implications.............................................................HAO Jun-jie HU Hui-lian(60)

The Influence of Ancient Classics on Literary Style in the Han Dynasty.................................................................................JIA Yao(66)

The Confucian Manifestation of Li Zehou's Aesthetic Thought of "Emotion Noumenon"....................................KONG Xiang-rui(77)

On Practical Teaching System of Social Work Vocational Education from the Perspective of Tacit Knowledge

——Based on the Survey of 15 Higher Vocational Colleges in

Guangdong Province....................................................................................................WANG Fu ZHU Jia-yi ZHENG Jun-mao(84)

A Study on the Effect of Self -affirmation on the Academic Performance of Migrant Workers'

Children.............................................................................................................................................YANG Ji-long CHEN Gang(91)

The Coordinated Development of the Three Industries in Guangdong Province from the Perspective of Coupling

Coordination.............................................................................................................................................................CHEN Xiu-zhi(98)

The Path of Rural Revitalization Practice Empowered by Live Broadcast of Agricultural Products by

E-commerce............................................................................................................................ZHANG Jin-xiang GUAN Le-ran(105)

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