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日期: 2023-04-28      信息来源:      点击数:



   ——基于5所开放大学的分析………………………………………………………………………………………全守杰 温明瑜(1)



   ——以“物业管理实务”课程为例…………………………………………………………………………………彭丽花 谢炜聪(17)





行政处罚决定公开制度的问题检视与回应……………………………………………………………………………张步峰 童启鑫(37)

特别法人定位下农村集体经济组织财产权制度重构探讨………………………………………………………………梅龙生 秦静(45)






监狱中的复仇风暴:《女巫的子孙》中狂欢化特征探究………………………………………………………………………吴琳 杨雨(68)




民心相通:“一带一路”建设中的文化间性思维………………………………………………………………………………徐玲 高微(74)

本科层次的职业教育人才培养:模式选择及其比较………………………………………………………………………李妮 阮宜扬(81)



混合式教学模式下课程思政考核评价的探索与实践……………………………………………………………………卢慧芳 龚主前(94)



   ——基于广东省经验实证分析………………………………………………………………………………谢长青 曾思妮 王美华(99)


   ——以A公司为例…………………………………………………………………………………………………………董鹏 郑奥柯(106)

                   Journal of Guangdong Open University


Vol.32 Sum No.157

No.1,2023                                                         February,2023


Research on the Characteristics of Intellectual Capital and Value-added Strategies of China's Open Universities

   ——An analysis based on five open universities.........................................QUAN Shou-jie WEN Ming-yu(1)

The Triple Logic of School Running of Distance Open Education in China(1990—2021).........................LING Ling(9)

Design and Practice of Online Course Learning Activity Based on Interactive Hierarchy Tower Theory

    ——Take "Property Management Practice "as an example.................................PENG Li-hua XIE Wei-cong(17)

On Protection, Inheritance and Development of Piaose at Zhongshan Yak ................................YIN Xi-yan(24)

Identity Three Anonymous Articles of Zhuangyuan CHEN Xun, Tanhua XIE Lian and LIN Wen in the

   Ming Dynasty..........................................................................................LIU Tao(29)

Review and Response to the Problems of Publicity of Administrative Punishment Decisions......ZHANG Bu-feng TONG Qi-xin(37)

Discussion on Reconstruction of Property Rights System of Rural Collective Economic Organizations Under

   Positioning of Special Legal Person...................................................MEI Long-sheng Qin Jing(45)

An Exploration of the Succession and Development of the Tragic Autumn in Pan Yue's Qiu Xing Fu to Song Yu's Jiu Bian

   ——From the viewpoint of "image-simile" speech mechanism and "unity of nature and man"

thinking mode...........................................................................................ZHANG Ying-wei(53)

On the "Pian" in Qian Qi's Poems...........................................................................XU Liu-hong(59)

On the "Community" attribute in Naipaul's works in the context of "The Belt and Road"......................DONG Yue-zhou(64)

The Revenge Tempest in the Prison: An Exploration of Carnivalesque Features in Hag-Seed...................WU Lin YANG Yu(68)

People-to-people Bond: Interculturality in the Belt and Road Initiative................................XU Ling GAO Wei(74)

Vocational Education Talent Training at the Undergraduate Level:

Model Selection and Comparison............................................................LI Ni RUAN Yi-yang(81)

Off-campus Tutoring:Appearance and Essence of Involution

  ——The Appearance and Essence of Involution........................................................YE Sui-bing(88)

Exploration of Assessment of Ideological and Political Curriculum under

Blended Teaching Model..................................................................LU Hui-fang Gong Zhu-qian(94)

Digital Economy Development, Industrial Structure Adjustment and Low-carbon Transformation

   ——An Empirical Analysis based on the Experience of Guangdong............XIE Chang-qing ZENG Si-ni WANG Mei-hua(99)

Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of Industrial Product Sales Management:

  A Case of A Company..................................................................DONG Peng ZHENG Ao-ke(106)

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